Friday, February 25, 2011

New Pages on the SGF Blog & Stone Gate Farm Celebrates 25 Years!

The following pages have been added to the SGF blog:
In order to have these pages interactive where people can make comments on posts I had to make new blogs for each of the pages.  You will be able to easily link to any of  the above blogs from the SGF blog home page or any of the pages listed above .

Now all I need is people to participate.  If you have a story that you would like to share or you have any questions please send them to .  We really would like to see your pics too especially if it's from one of our earlier events.  I would love to see pictures from years gone by especially since we will be celebrating 25 years of owning Stone Gate Farm in May.

As part of the year long celebration we are going to feature the 'best blog' from each category every month in the SGF Newsletter.  At the end of the season we will have our viewers vote on their favorite blog. We're currently working on prizes for the best blogs in each category in celebration of 25 years of Stone Gate Farm.

In addition to the 'best blog' contest, every rider and volunteer who participates in any activity @ Stone Gate Farm will receive a raffle ticket to some great prizes.  All you have to do is show up and ride or help and you'll get a ticket each time.

What better way to get through the latest snow storm than to reminisce about for favorite activity at what I hope is one of your favorite farms!

Be sure to become a follower of Stone Gate Farm's blog so you can easily be kept up to date.

Dave & Jackie

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