Sunday, February 20, 2011

Your input on type, size and location is requested

Since we now have a food booth in the stabling area and with the clinics and camps we hold we thought it would be nice to have a place where people could comfortably hang out while being able to see what's going on.  Originally I wanted to put up a building, but that isn't in the budget right now so we're thinking of buying a tent that we can sufficiently anchor down so it won't blow away like the many EZ up tents that we have lost in the past.  I'm going to put out a survey to get some input from the people who will actually be using it, that would be you.  Before I do the survey I'm going to explain a few of the pros and cons to help you make an educated decision.

The first decision is tent or canopy. I've posted pics of both but if you have the time and want to check out the specs here is the  link to the canopies and here's a link for the tents link to the tents.

The next decision is the size. The canopy sizes that I'm considering are: 10' x 20', 10' x 30', 18' x 20', 18' x 30', and 18' x 40'.  The tent sizes that I'm considering are: 20' x 20', 20' x 30' or 20' x 40'.

Keep in mind that these tents will be put up for the entire season and in addition to competitions they will be used during Pony Club lessons, clinics and camps.

Now for the big question, where do we put it?  I have three proposed sites.  The picture will show you where the proposed sites are starting at the right near the drive and going clockwise.  The X marks where the food trailer is located and the porta jons are to the east (right of the food trailer.
Proposed sites are marked with a black line
 Site # 1 is on top of a hill directly next to the driveway.  The pros of this location are: close access to the driveway (many advantages), out of the way in regards to the cross country course, relatively close to the food trailer,barns and porta jons, good view of the dressage arenas, good view of the cross country fences in the area including the water, ditches and more, close to the arenas which make it handy for clinics and camps.  The cons for site #1 are:  relatively close to the dressage arenas which may distract the horses, may have to limit the size of the tent or do some excavating to make a suitable size site.

Site # 2 is behind the pasture fence to the south of the pond and near the ditch jumps.  The pros of this location:  close to the food trailer, porta jons and barns, out of the way in regards to the dressage while still having a fairly good view,  can see cross country fences in the area, relatively close to the arenas for clinics and camps, protected from the wind and a small pond behind it.  The cons for site # 2 are: somewhat inconvenient access, close to the ditch jumps and may cause a distraction, the site is lower and the view of the water jump and dressage is not as good as site # 1, limited space which will limit the size of the tent and may lack a breeze on hot days.

Site  # 3 is right next to the pond.  The pros for this site : a pleasant location to hang out, view of dressage rings  (hopefully Dave has trimmed the limbs enough for a good view), good view of cross country fences and can see more jumps in the pasture than sites 1 & 2, plenty of room to put any size tent, and it is more accessible to spectators who park up near the house.The cons for location # 3 is that it is further from the food, porta jons, the barns and the arenas (especially for clinics and camps), and people would have to access this site by crossing the cross country track.

As you can see, there are pros and cons to all of the sites.  I'm hoping you can help me out with your input.  If I don't hear from you, you'll be stuck with what I choose ;) 

The survey is located to the right of the post and will be open for 2 weeks. Thanks for your input. 



  1. just joined your blog and live in area 8. would love for you to join me back. glad you have a blog. awesome!

  2. I've been to your blog, it looks fabulous. I wish you could give me some lessons ;)

  3. hi jackie, thanks so much for joining. i have been following you on fb with jack and jill and am so in awe of your generous gift to those horses by taking them in. you are an angel!!! i told jack and jill to join farm tails to meet jessie and blue as they would love my ponies. i can help you with a banner for a small charge if you are interested. i digital design just tell me your style...hop over to and check out the websites i have done so far. whatever your style is i will do, it is all about you and your farm! happy sunday!

  4. oh and jackie one thing. network blogs has a gadget for all of your facebook followers to join the blog. by becoming a part of this huge network, horse lovers will eventually find you and the more fb followers on your blog the highe the rating in this network. facebook peeps are very different than bloggers. so your numbers might not be as high but keep reiminding them to join and they will to support you! good luck! email me if i can help you.

  5. I am not sure that either a tent or canopy would be valued by the competitors. It would also be a lot of extra work. The site by the pasture fence gets very wet when it rains. The shade would be nice in hot weather.

  6. Thanks for your input. You really think people wouldn't use it? Actually there is a trail by the food booth to get to that spot which doesn't get as wet as it does closer the the ditches.
